Guest Post – Sophie from Sophie’s Next Chapter!

So today I have a guest post from the lovely Sophie over at Sophie’s Next Chapter, make sure you check out her blog, it’s great!

Hi! I’m Sophie and I’m so pleased to be able to guest post today! I’m new to the blogging scene, I’ve just started a blog and it’s only a few days old, so be gentle with me! Okay so…I’m into hair, well okay, I love hair! I mean we all have it, might as well get obsessed! Ha-Ha. I’m going to be showing you how to get this look! It’s perfect from proms, for Christmas eve, or just a special occasion. 


What will you need? Well firstly you will need a bobby pin/ hair slide. You will also need some straighteners or curling tongs/ a wand, some heat protectant and some strong hold hair spray…to hold your curls and keep the whispy bits away! 

First off I sprayed my hair with the hair protectant and straightened my hair, as you can see below this is before I straightened it, it’s a frizzy mess! Excuse the no make-up I did this after I took my make-up off! Which was a bad move! haha!

 I have no used heat on my hair for 4 weeks until today, and it didn’t frizz or go frazzled on the ends so it’s working! Ha-Ha…This is with it straightened, it’s good to start with a clean base, you want to be able to mould your hair, and if you have bits flying everywhere you won’t be able to, and your get annoyed and give up. Basically! :p

 You want to section your hair off so that only the front pieces of your hair are free, I used some clips but you can use anything, bobby pins if you want. This is so that you have a nice clean platte and don’t pull any stray bits of hair into it. 

Okay, a French platte. Take three pieces of the front of your hair starting at one side. You then want to start a platte but grab more hair as you go along, if that makes sense, so your adding to the platte. It’s really simple when you know how, the best thing to do is practice. 

 I then pinned the platte underneath my hair so you couldn’t see the end of it, then I curled one side, and then the other. You want the curls facing different ways but the ones that out-line your face should face out-wards as it compliment the face! It did this all over with any loose hair. 

When you’ve done that just apply your hair spray and walla! Your done. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, it’s the first one I’ve ever done and will definitely be posting some more on my blog! ha-ha I love this look, you could wear it every day, or maybe if your going out for a meal, I love how the curls turned out! 

This is another picture of the finished look, thanks for reading, and thank you for letting me guest post on your blog! Lots of love Sophie xxx

Thanks so much Sophie! You can find her blog here, and follow her on twitter: @_sophieoxox
